

Ms. Elena V. Komarnitskaya


Tel.: +38 552 42-50-92

Tel./fax: +380 552 49-33-29


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bar Coding is the most widespread method of goods marking and identification in the world. A drawn bar code allows identifying goods, its producer or distributor. Applying bar coding technologies manufacturers can produce and sell their products more effective. 

Bar coding of goods allows the enterprises not only to automate production process, transportation, stock-taking and sell, but also to increase the demand for the goods, enhance the goods prestige and competitiveness both in the home and foreign markets.

Each identity code is unique. World code’s uniqueness is guaranteed by the Commodity Numeration Association "EAN International" that is in Brussels. Association of Commodity Numbering of Ukraine "GS1 Ukraine" is the only and full representative EAN International in Ukraine.

Association GS1 - Ukraine and the Kherson CCI have signed the contract on granting to chamber of the status and powers of the Regional center. Today Kherson Regional Center of Association of Commodity Numbering of Ukraine "GS1 Ukraine" offers the following services:

  • Preparation and drawing up the sets of documents for the entrance to the Association of Commodity Numbering of Ukraine "GS1 Ukraine".
  • Completion of the added agreements for working on preferential tariffs.
  • Preparation and drawing up the documents for the bar code assignment, inclusion of information into the electronic database.
  • Consultations on bar codes using in trade and warehouse calculation.
  • Ukrainian official documents on bar coding assignment.
  • Searching of a commodity manufacturer by a bar code in any country of the world.
  • Examination of the bar codes printing quality, recommendations as to the bar codes placing on packages.
  • Transport label consulting.
  • Consultations on the internal bar codes using.

For receiving a bar-code it is necessary to address Kherson Regional Center for the essential information. After performance of the certain conditions the customer receives the certificate with an identification code in system GS1.

International Ecological Forum


Cleaner Production