ATA Carnet



Authorized person


Telephone:     +380 552 42-50-92
                     +380 552 32-54-99

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Specialists of the Kherson Chamber of Commerce and Industry will gladly issue ATA Carnets by your order. The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that allows the holder to temporarily (up to one year) import goods without payment of normally applicable duties and taxes.

The ATA Carnet can be used by producing enterprises at the temporary importation of goods into foreign countries aimed at products promotion at foreign markets (exhibitions), as well as by individuals and organizations engaged in temporary import of goods with academic, scientific, technical, cultural, sporting, social, humanitarian and other purposes.

If all necessary documents are available, ATA Carnet issue procedure takes from 3 to 10 days depending on the urgency mode, chosen by the Customer.

Advantages of ATA Carnets:

  • Exempt from customs duties and taxes indispensable at the temporary importation of goods for up to one year. Then there is no need for any cash collateral, deposits and bank guarantees in the country of importation, as far as ATA Carnet represents such guarantee itself;
  • There is no need to fill in the national customs documents at each customs border checkpoint and, consequently, this allows expedited customs clearance of the goods;
  • One ATA Carnet is allowed for temporary import (transit) of the goods into (through) several participating countries.

International Ecological Forum


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